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“To see things in the seed, that is genius.” – Lao Tzu

I was a seriously stubborn kid, with an inquisitive mind and a zest for answers. I used to explore the world from the top of a tree, hanging upside down a chin-up bar or jumping off a hide speed swing. Testing the Law of Gravity was always on my list; and other “laws”… But I did not known it at the time!

As I grew up, I became a voracious reader -which instead of appeasing my “dire” tendencies, ignited a passion for discovery, learning and mastering the impossible… I saw a few sleepless nights dealing with troublesome matters such as: How long did you say Eternity was ! 

I was not a “popular” kid, nor did I fit the common social profile. I felt inadequate around the people I loved and my environment and completely puzzled by the many shades of personalities and behaviors that seem so alien to my own.  “Who am I?” and “What I am here for?” –became a full time “self-inquiry-Lab-job”.

As years passed by; “forced” wisdom graciously kicked in, bringing an important gift. Despite our perception, we are not as different from one another as we think we are. “Big Questions” don’t care asking for our permission to call upon us all at different stages in our life; and the journey to understanding is both, precious and challenging.

My line of inquiry also enhanced in time, turning into the more encompassing: “What brings us together or tear us apart?  What make us human? What “Being human” comprises? What role does the Soul play in defining our calling and purpose?

Today, I consider myself a researcher of the human soul and the soul’s experience in ordinary living. My life, be it as professional artist, performer, teacher or apprentice, is an ongoing exploration of the journey of “Becoming.”

What I do

I draw upon my life lessons and the arts and humanities’ heritage to design “essential experiences” aiming to allow insights, potential and creative drive to emerge.

My work is dedicated to provide a safe and engaging environment to explore, with love and compassion, those Silent Questions and Essential Passages that help us become wholehearted explorers of ourselves, joyful rainmakers and deliberated life designers.

This site is a portal to the soul-making mandala holding together the different facets of my life and work – “Simply Drawing Life”, “Teaching for Greatness™”, Art Celebrates Life & Encounters” and “I-BE-U Circles;™ “- each one a comprehensive curriculum for workshops, performances, private and group interventions, to evolve into a greater vision of ourselves.

Most importantly…

This site is a genuine expression of what lies in my own heart and soul, my contribution to make this world a better place for all.


A world  in which “Becoming” is embraced  as the ultimate aim and Soul is honored and celebrated in everyone and everything.


To act as an ambassador for meaning and beauty in the wide spectrum of the human experience and inspire soul-making as a core value in life.

Creative Creed

I embrace the magic continuum we call existence, and its mysteries. I follow the twists and turns by which the invisible tells the story of being human.

I walk into the wilderness of the unknown guided by that inexhaustible force beyond comprehension that burns within me in the form of color, sound or metaphor.

I  co-create with the spark that lights our treasures and unfolds in freedom and appreciation of everything in this world and beyond.

I observe the world through the eyes of beauty and shall do my best to embody it. 

I am one to make my time on Earth, a courageous act of love and “Becoming,” shared along with many, and worthy to be remembered.

So shall be it


Photo by Felix Mittermeier: